Happy Fall! I've been working towards my 2nd degree which is to become a Music Therapist. During my schooling I have learned many song styles and also learned how to play guitar. At present I am going to my internship site a few days a week. I am working with the elderly population to bring them music from their past and also reminisce. Some music therapy goals are to improve quality of life and musical expression.
What is a music therapy? Well, a MT helps people reach their health goals through music. The 4 Methods of MT are Listening to Music, Creating Music, Songwriting and Improvisation.
Think back - how has music helped you? Maybe you were angry and listening to a song that had lyrics that made you feel identified with. The music calmed you down, brought some comfort, and sense of release. Music can meet you where you are at. Music can also distract and uplift. Music can trigger a dopamine release in the brain which is associated with “feeling good” and pleasure. The brain lights up, and activity increases when dopamine is released. And because of that reaction, we realize new experiences, and the brain maps those positive sensations in our memories. Music can get your body moving. Some MT's work with Physical Therapists to help patients move their legs and walk to a beat. One of the main factors that determines the amount of functional recovery is the level of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connection in response to learning or experience or following an injury. Music can bring people together in group therapy who are working through similar issues like depression. The MT and the group play some music improvisation. The patients in the group play music together and listen to each others instruments. There is team work from trying out various percussion instruments and making music together with people who are working on the same health goals. MT's provide relaxational music methods for cancer patients as they prepare to go into surgery. Patients write their own songs with the help of MT. Songs reflect emotions, fears, and how or what the patient is going through. Hospice patients and families can write a song together to grow bonding, reminiscing and communication at the end of life.
Take a look at the video below of how music brings back memories for an Alzheimer's patient who was a prima ballerina.
Music is such a blessing to our lives. Take some time to listen or make some music today and feel the positive effects!
- Holly
