Took a trip to see my family and remembered this song a wrote.
A tip for writing a song is make it interesting. Try to change it up somewhere in the song. A catchy chorus and some change in the middle. The change can be slower tempo, quieter, louder, rhythm change, instrumental part, or a drum solo for example. People ask should I write the music first or the lyrics first? For me it all depends what comes to me, sometimes the music comes first and I want to add some lyrics. Sometimes the lyrics come first and I need to come up with some instumental parts. Making time to sit down and reflect is the key for songwriting.
Even if you aren't a professional songwriter composing a song can be therapeutic in nature. It gives you time to slow down, express some thoughts or feelings, and reflect a special time in your life. What would you write a song about? The words don't have to rhyme. Think about it and start to write some words. Enjoy!